What is “Cafe Astrology”?

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By RandyYoumans

Humans have been looking to the skies for guidance for centuries. Cafe Astrology simply means the study of the relationship between the astronomical positions and earth’s events. Astrologers believe that the Sun, Moon and planets’ positions at the time of someone’s birth can have an impact on their character. Although these positions can be thought to have an impact on a person’s destiny many Astrologers believe that they are not the only factor.

Cafe Astrology believes that Astrology can be used to understand ourselves, others and the world around you. To understand and define our world, we use many tools or languages. To understand human behavior, we can use terminology and psychological tools. Astrology provides us with rich tools to understand human nature and a language to communicate our observations with others.

The natal chart, also known as a birth chart and horoscope, can be used to “window” into an individual or event but it should not be used to judge or label. It should not be used as an excuse for our actions! It is impossible to know everything about someone simply because we have their natal charts.

It’s a good idea not to consider Astrology as a perfect language. It is impossible to be perfect. Be wary of Astrologers who claim to know all or make dire predictions. This practice is not only dangerous and misleading but can also cause serious harm to the lives of those who believe it.

It is easy to get your natal charts. All you have to do is gather your birth information, and point your browser at a website that uses an Astrological chart-generating software program. For the steps to get your natal chart drawn, see our article How to Get Your Natal Chart. Once you have your chart, or onscreen, it is time to interpret it. You can then learn how to interpret the chart by understanding what the symbols are.

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Where do I start?

Cafe Astrology is the best place to start if you are new to Astrology or have never had your natal charts drawn.

Astrology for Cafes

Cafe Astrology is filled with articles, features and tools that will appeal both to casual Astrology enthusiasts as well as advanced students.

The Year 2022 Horoscopes. The Year 2022 Horoscope previews provide a great overview of each sign’s major influences over the course of the calendar year. They cover general trends, love and money as well as family, work, careers, money and other matters. These previews cover areas of growth, innovation, restriction, change, and other aspects. Next, the Yearly Love Horoscopes 2022 offer a guideline to the best days of love, romance and relationships, as well as predictions and trends for the year.

Next, 2021 Overview Horoscopes provide a summary of the year ahead and full-year 2021 horoscopes that include New and Full Moon forecasts.

Cafe Astrology has 2022 Preview Horoscopes. Also see the 2022 Yearly Love Horoscopes.

See what the month has in store with our Monthly Horoscopes. Also see Daily Horoscopes and Good Days Calendars as well as Ascendant Sign Horoscopes.

The Astrology of Year 2022

This page provides a quick overview of the major cosmic events in 2022, including planetary retrogrades and eclipses. For astrological information on the current week and day-by-day overviews about current cosmic energy, see This Week in Astrology. You can also visit the Today in Astrology blog.

Free Astrology Reports

  • Cafe Astrology’s free report section is open to you
  • These charts can be found here if you have already created them. Create a new chart if you haven’t already.
  • The following charts have been added (maximum 10, but you can delete any unused charts).
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Click on Create a New Chart if there aren’t any charts available. Then, return to this page. After creating your first chart, a PIN will be generated. If you wish to retain these sets of birth information temporarily, make sure you save your profile and pin.

Your browser saves chart data in a cookie. This data will be deleted if you clear your browser’s cache. You can retrieve chart data by taking note of the Profile or PIN numbers below the list of charts. This can also be used to retrieve data stored on other devices.

Chart data is stored for convenience only. We cannot guarantee its permanent storage. Data is temporarily stored. Take note of the chart data. It is always a good idea to keep your data anonymous by entering an initial or pet name into the name field.

Cafe Astrology offers the following free reports: The Birth Chart is the first option. It gives you your natal charts, an easy-to-read listing of the positions of planets and houses, and the aspects between points and planets. These positions can be interpreted, some of which are our original interpretations. You might like to look at your natal chart with our astrology articles.