Computer-Aided Design [CAD] in Construction – Advantages and Types

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By RandyYoumans

Computer-Aided Design [CAD] software is used by architects, structural engineers, contractors, and project managers to create detailed drawings and illustrations for new buildings and project plans. It can be two-dimensional or three dimensional. It can pinpoint exact measurements and spot design flaws. Computer-aided design software must have coordinates X (horizontal), Z (depth), and Y (vertical). These coordinates allow users to create models that are two- or three-dimensional, depending on their requirements.

It has many benefits for architects, contractors, and project managers. Each of these are listed below.

Computer-aided design software has the primary advantage of being able to create technical drawings with high accuracy and precision. There are several automation tools that can be used to modify existing drawings and create customized programs.

Contractors can store their plans and drawings in the cloud. Contractors can access their plans from any device. They can also see any changes made to their plans if they are part of a shared file.

This allows project managers to see the entire building, including all its parts, from the steel beams down to the smallest screws. It gives you an extremely accurate blueprint of the building, which allows you to make changes as needed.

To improve design quality, construction structural engineers can create more precise representations and easily modify them.

This software allows architects to view a model overview that includes electricity, plumbing, and other components. This helps create a more complete design. This software allows for fewer changes to the design and less surprises during construction.

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It takes into account the design parameters and objectives, including material, construction, manufacturing method, costs, and computing power from the cloud. The cloud computing power can generate many design options based on these parameters and objectives.

The visualizations provided by AutoCAD platforms make it easier for earthworks crews and engineers to see how the final structure will look once the design is complete.

This allows structural engineers to create maps and analyze specifications across a length of land. This research allows for better-informed design of railways and tunnels. It also reduces the risk of errors and costly redrafts.

Software allows conceptualists take an idea and transform it into a three-dimensional design. This software allows members of different development teams to review the same design idea and offer suggestions for improvements that could be easily implemented.

CAD allows you to access your plans via the cloud. You can also pull it up on your smartphone in an instant if you wish.

2D/3D CAD for technical drawings or drafting

2D/3D CAD software allows you to create technical drawings that show the exact shape, dimensions, and composition of an object in order to fabricate it. There are two types. The first type of drawing is one that’s done with no instruments. It’s called a sketch. The second, or final drawing, is a drawing made with instruments.

There are many types and styles of technical drawings.

3D drawings (isometric and perspective)

Exploded-view 3D Drawings

Complete working drawings

Detail drawings (2D orthogonal projects)

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Once the design is complete, the drafters use computer aided design software (CAD) to create floor plans, building permit drawings and building inspection plans.

The CAD software can be used to quickly and precisely draft designs without the need for stencils or technical drawing tools. You can also use it to annotate and document drawings using text, dimensions, leaders, tables, and other information. Technical drafters can make changes in the event of errors. This is much more reliable than manual drawing, where they will need to redraw everything.

Solid Modeling with CAD

Because of rising construction costs and the complexity of complex structures, CAD Solid Modeling has been a common practice used by many vendors to outsource. This software allows you to modify, create, analyze, and optimize models. It also allows you to create animations and special effects for buildings and projects. It has the following functions:

The proposed buildings are viewed from all angles. All features, colors and shapes are included.

Before you start the actual construction process, review all design elements

Generation of a schedule and calculation of the quantity for a project

Three types of CAD solid modeling are available: 3DCAD for wireframe, surface modeling, and 3DCAD for solid modeling.


The advantages and differences in CAD design drafting used in construction are discussed. We will be discussing the benefits it offers project managers, contractors and architects as well as different CAD design solutions for construction in future articles.