Retail Business Services: Enhances Product Data Capabilities

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By RandyYoumans

SALISBURY (GLOBE NEWSWIRE), — Retail Business Services, a services company owned by Ahold Delhaize USA announced that it is launching a new initiative to improve \for Ahold Delhaize USA businesses. Retail Business Services, with the support of Syndigo will join the Global Data Synchronization Network, (GDSN), to provide best-in-class product information for the retailers it supports.

Chris Adams, vice-president of Category Management Services at stated that customers expect consistent, clear and accurate information about products they buy online and in-store. “By joining GDSN we will be able better equip local brands with product information and customers will experience greater accuracy and transparency.”

Retail Business Services is continuing to improve its data capabilities with this latest move. Joins GDSN and also works with GS1 in support of the development global data standards. Smart Label is a global program that provides consumers instantaneous information about thousands of personal, household, and pet care products. The program has more than 11,000 products from private brands.

Adams stated that Adams aims to be the best in class when it is related to product data. We can offer the best data services for the grocery retailers we support by taking a holistic approach to access, best practice, and innovation in this area.

Paul Salay, Chief Executive Officer of Syndigo, stated that “We are happy to continue to support product content journey, as well as their data quality improvement efforts.” “This strengthens our relationship as Retail Business Services now has the ability to offer core content and GDSN syndication capabilities via Syndigo their supplier partners. This allows for a smoother transfer of data.

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About Retail Business Services

Retail Business Services, LLC, is Ahold Delhaize USA’s services company. It currently provides services to six East Coast grocery brands, including Food Lion, Giant Food, GIANT/MARTIN’S, Hannaford, Stop & Shop, and the nation’s largest online grocery retailer, Peapod. Uses the scale of local brands to create synergies and provides industry-leading insights, analytics, and expertise to local brands to support strategies. Services include Information Technology, Merchandising & Marketing Services.